Serving the Needs of City Residents, Businesses and Visitors.
1600 Shore Road
New Jersey
United States
+1 (609) 641-2832
+1 (609) 646-7175
City of Northfield, Gateway to the Shore
City of Northfield, Gateway to the Shore

Registrar of Vital Statistics

Robin Atlas, Registrar
609-641-2832 x 127

Nadine Erwin, Deputy Registrar
609-641-2832 x 126

The Registrar of Vital Statistics is the keeper of birth, death, marriage records, domestic partnership records and civil union records, also referred to as “vital records”. These records are confidential and not openly accessible to the public. As per State Law, the Registrar is limited as to whom a record may be issued.  A Vital record can be obtained in the municipality where the event occurred. The eligibility and necessary requirements are contained below.

The Office of the Registrar is located in the Tax Office located at the rear of City Hall. Office hours are Monday – Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm, excluding holidays. If you are getting married and need to make application for a marriage license, you must call to make an appointment. At least  one of the applicants will need to be a Northfield resident, or if both are out of state, you will need to be getting married in Northfield. Marriage applications can be scheduled between 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. You will need to bring a witness with you and photo ID. The application fee is $28.00 and can be paid with cash (exact change please) or a check. Please complete the marriage license below, print, and bring with you to the appointment. Do not sign the application. That will be completed in person. Note: Governor Murphy has waived the application fee until July 1, 2023.

Requests for certified copies of a Vital Record may be processed either in person at the above address, or by mail, if the appropriate information, requirements, and payment are mailed to:

City of Northfield Registrar
1600 Shore Road
Northfield, NJ 08225

Please make checks payable to “City of Northfield” and a SASE must be included.


$15.00 for 1st Certified copy of a Vital record, and $5.00 for each additional copy of the same record
$28.00 for a Marriage or Civil Union Application (Fee waived until July 1, 2023.)

Acceptable Identification is required, a valid and current photo driver’s license or a valid and current County ID are acceptable on their own. Please note that “valid and current” means with the address where you live at the time of your application and not expired. If you do not have either one, then you will need two alternate forms of identification.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where and how do I apply for a marriage license?
    If applying for a marriage, civil union or domestic partnership and the ceremony will be in New Jersey, the couple must apply in the municipality where either the bride or groom or either partner reside.

    PDFs are can be filled out and printed to bring to our office.

    If both reside outside of New Jersey, they must apply in the municipality where the ceremony will occur.

    PDF file Application for Marriage - Spanish
    PDF file Application for Marriage - English
  2. How do I obtain a certified copy of a vital record?
    Per Governor’s Executive Order 18, Certified copies will only be issued if all of the following criteria are met:
    1. Complete an application (or send a letter) fully identifying the record with all pertinent information.
    2. A Certified copy of a vital record may only be issued to you, if you meet the relationship requirements per Executive Order 18 or pursuant to a Court order.
    3. Acceptable identification is required

    Note: (Applicant is the person requesting the record)

    PDF file Application for Non-Genealogical Vital Record - Spanish
    PDF file Application for Non-Genealogical Vital Record - English
    Click here for more information on who is qualified to receive a certified copy of a vital record.


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