Serving the Needs of City Residents, Businesses and Visitors.
1600 Shore Road
New Jersey
United States
+1 (609) 641-2832
+1 (609) 646-7175
City of Northfield, Gateway to the Shore
City of Northfield, Gateway to the Shore

Housing and Zoning

1600 Shore Road
Northfield, New Jersey 08225

Housing Officer

Inspections may be scheduled for Mondays ONLY by calling 609-641-2832 ext 140


Forms and Applications

Zoning Officer

Phone 609-641-2832 ext 129
Fax 609-641-7042
Office Hours: Fridays – hours vary, excluding holidays

File is in PDF format. Northfield’s Zoning Map

Forms and Applications


8-1  Planning Board Meeting City Hall Council Chambers/Zoom
Time: 7:00 p.m.

8-7  NEW! E-Waste AND Metal Collection Day Curbside, private residences only
Time: 7am-3pm

8-8  NATIONAL NIGHT OUT Birch Grove Park
Time: 6PM - 8PM

8-13  City Council Meeting City Hall Council Chambers
Time: 6:00PM

9-2  Municipal Offices Closed

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